About Us

Powerlifting Club’s purpose is to promote the sport of powerlifting within the WPI community and provide student athletes with the opportunity to powerlift competitively at a local, regional, and national level in the USAPL powerlifting federation.

Powerlifting Club members will travel to a nearby gym on a weekly basis to train with the guidance of an experienced and certified powerlifting coach to prepare for competitive powerlifting meets.

Members can also choose to join the club and participate in weekly practices without participating in competitions.

Powerlifting Club will provide students with an opportunity to grow as a team and train in a group environment that encourages health, personal development, and mental fortitude. Powerlifting Club members will support one another to achieve their goals and become the best versions of themselves through rigorous training and competition.

Why Join?


What is Powerlifting?

Powerlifting is a strength sport in which athletes compete to lift as much weight as possible in the squat, bench, and deadlift for 1 repetition.

Powerlifting is a sport that requires discipline, determination, and consistent training. It also requires proper technique, equipment, and coaching. It’s a test of strength and power, and it attracts individuals who want to push the limit of what their bodies can do.

Are there any requirements for joining the team?

No! Currently there are no requirements for being on the team as long as you are a current student at WPI and are in good academic standing.

There are no age or sex restrictions, and competitions are divided into different weight classes to ensure fairness. USAPL also performs routine drug testing to ensure that athletes are not using steroids or other forms of illegal performance enhancing drugs.

Do I have to be strong to be a Powerlifter?

Absolutely not. The WPI Powerlifting Club will take anyone regardless of current strength levels and help you get stronger.

How much of a time commitment is Powerlifting Club?

Weekly practices take about 2.5 - 3 hrs, but if you choose to be a competitive member, you will be expected to follow your training program on other days of the week during non-practice time.

How much does it cost to be on the team?

Currently, the only cost to be on the powerlifting team is the cost associated with purchasing your gym membership from Evolve Fitness and Training. 66% of this cost ($40) will be covered by WPI bringing the net out of pocket cost down to just $13.6 per month. Competitive members may also need to pay an additional fee to help the club afford top quality coaching, but this amount will be as low as possible to allow for the most amount of students to afford this option.


Reach President Giovanni Giacalone directly:


+1 (805) 444-0883